Interface IParticle

  • public interface IParticle
    A particle that can be spawned in the world, complete with translation, scale, rotate, and color transformations. (CNPC+ original!) To create a particle object: API.createParticle(directory); Then modify its attributes as you please, and call the particle's spawn functions to see it in the world. Spawning this particle in the world sends a hefty packet with all its data to the client. The particle is then rendered with a custom renderer based on all the given attributes. If a particle appears to not appear at first, try increasing its scale or changing its position. The entity it's being spawned on or a block in the world may be blocking it.
    • Method Detail

      • spawn

        void spawn​(IEntity entity)
        entity - Spawns this particle object on the given entity. When spawned this way, the particle will always have its origin at the entity.
      • spawn

        void spawn​(IWorld world)
        world - Spawns the particle in the given world, at a position corresponding to this particle's position variables.
      • spawn

        void spawn​(IWorld world,
                   double x,
                   double y,
                   double z)
        world - Spawns the particle in the given world, at a position determined by the input parameters.
        x - The X position the particle will spawn in the world.
        y - The Y position the particle will spawn in the world.
        z - The Z position the particle will spawn in the world.
      • spawnOnEntity

        void spawnOnEntity​(IEntity entity)
      • spawnInWorld

        void spawnInWorld​(IWorld world)
      • spawnInWorld

        void spawnInWorld​(IWorld world,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z)
      • setGlows

        void setGlows​(boolean glows)
        glows - If true, this particle ignores all lighting and always renders with full brightness.
      • getGlows

        boolean getGlows()
      • setNoClip

        void setNoClip​(boolean noClip)
      • getNoClip

        boolean getNoClip()
      • setFacePlayer

        void setFacePlayer​(boolean facePlayer)
        facePlayer - Whether the particle is always facing the player's camera. If this is disabled, the particle will appear to be laying flat face down on the ground if its rotation is unchanged.
      • getFacePlayer

        boolean getFacePlayer()
      • setDirectory

        void setDirectory​(java.lang.String directory)
        directory - The directory of this particle's texture. This can be any texture in a resource pack or mod, and even a URL!
      • getDirectory

        java.lang.String getDirectory()
      • setAmount

        void setAmount​(int amount)
        amount - The amount of multiples of this particle to spawn in the world. Not too good looking if used, but has some edge cases where it's alright.
      • getAmount

        int getAmount()
      • setMaxAge

        void setMaxAge​(int maxAge)
        maxAge - The maximum age this particle will be around for, in MC ticks.
      • getMaxAge

        int getMaxAge()
      • setSize

        void setSize​(int width,
                     int height)
        The width and height of the particle's texture you want to render in pixels. Anything more gets cut off.
        width - The width of the particle's texture, in pixels.
        height - The height of the particle's texture, in pixels.
      • getWidth

        int getWidth()
      • getHeight

        int getHeight()
      • setOffset

        void setOffset​(int offsetX,
                       int offsetY)
        The horizontal and vertical offset of the particle's texture from the top-left, starts rendering the particle at this point.
        offsetX - The horizontal offset, in pixels (u).
        offsetY - The vertical offset, in pixels (v).
      • getOffsetX

        int getOffsetX()
      • getOffsetY

        int getOffsetY()
      • setAnim

        void setAnim​(int animRate,
                     boolean animLoop,
                     int animStart,
                     int animEnd)
        Enables animation on the particle. Must set a custom width and height first using the setSize(width,height) function. Every frame of animation the particle goes through should be saved on a single image file. The renderer will read the frames of animation based on the given width and height of the particle, starting from the given X & Y offsets. The renderer then goes rightwards (width) pixels for every frame. Once it can't go rightwards anymore, the animation goes down (height) pixels, and once again keeps going rightwards if it has to. If the animation loops, once there is nowhere downward to go, the animation will start over at the X & Y offset.
        animRate - The frame rate of the particle's animation, in MC ticks. (20 ticks = 1 second)
        animLoop - Whether the animation loops or not.
        animStart - The amount of ticks before the particle starts animating.
        animEnd - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before it stops animating.
      • getAnimRate

        int getAnimRate()
      • getAnimLoop

        boolean getAnimLoop()
      • getAnimStart

        int getAnimStart()
      • getAnimEnd

        int getAnimEnd()
      • setPosition

        void setPosition​(double x,
                         double y,
                         double z)
        x - The X position from the particle's origin the particle will spawn at.
        y - The Y position from the particle's origin the particle will spawn at.
        z - The Z position from the particle's origin the particle will spawn at.
      • getX

        double getX()
      • getY

        double getY()
      • getZ

        double getZ()
      • setPosition

        void setPosition​(IPos pos)
      • getPos

        void getPos()
      • setMotion

        void setMotion​(double motionX,
                       double motionY,
                       double motionZ,
                       float gravity)
      • getMotionX

        double getMotionX()
      • getMotionY

        double getMotionY()
      • getMotionZ

        double getMotionZ()
      • getGravity

        float getGravity()
      • setHEXColor

        void setHEXColor​(int HEXColor,
                         int HEXColor2,
                         float HEXColorRate,
                         int HEXColorStart)
        HEXColor - The starting HEX color of the particle.
        HEXColor2 - The ending HEX color of the particle.
        HEXColorRate - The rate of interpolation between the two HEX colors.
        HEXColorStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between HEXColor and HEXColor2.
      • getHEXColor1

        int getHEXColor1()
      • getHEXColor2

        int getHEXColor2()
      • getHEXColorRate

        float getHEXColorRate()
      • getHEXColorStart

        int getHEXColorStart()
      • setAlpha

        void setAlpha​(float alpha1,
                      float alpha2,
                      float alphaRate,
                      int alphaRateStart)
        alpha1 - The starting transparency of the particle.
        alpha2 - The ending transparency of the particle.
        alphaRate - The rate of interpolation between the two transparency values.
        alphaRateStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between alpha1 and alpha2.
      • getAlpha1

        float getAlpha1()
      • getAlpha2

        float getAlpha2()
      • getAlphaRate

        float getAlphaRate()
      • getAlphaRateStart

        int getAlphaRateStart()
      • setScale

        void setScale​(float scale1,
                      float scale2,
                      float scaleRate,
                      int scaleRateStart)
        scale1 - The starting scale/size of the particle.
        scale2 - The ending scale/size of the particle.
        scaleRate - The rate of interpolation between the two scale values.
        scaleRateStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between scale1 and scale2.
      • setScaleX

        void setScaleX​(float scale1,
                       float scale2,
                       float scaleRate,
                       int scaleRateStart)
      • getScaleX1

        float getScaleX1()
      • getScaleX2

        float getScaleX2()
      • getScaleXRate

        float getScaleXRate()
      • getScaleXRateStart

        int getScaleXRateStart()
      • setScaleY

        void setScaleY​(float scale1,
                       float scale2,
                       float scaleRate,
                       int scaleRateStart)
      • getScaleY1

        float getScaleY1()
      • getScaleY2

        float getScaleY2()
      • getScaleYRate

        float getScaleYRate()
      • getScaleYRateStart

        int getScaleYRateStart()
      • setRotationX

        void setRotationX​(float rotationX1,
                          float rotationX2,
                          float rotationXRate,
                          int rotationXRateStart)
        Enables rotation about the X axis. If the particle is set to always face the player, this axis is a constant horizontal line on the player's camera.
        rotationX1 - The starting X rotation of the particle.
        rotationX2 - The ending X rotation of the particle.
        rotationXRate - The rate of interpolation between the two X rotation values.
        rotationXRateStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between rotationX1 and rotationX2.
      • getRotationX1

        float getRotationX1()
      • getRotationX2

        float getRotationX2()
      • getRotationXRate

        float getRotationXRate()
      • getRotationXRateStart

        int getRotationXRateStart()
      • setRotationY

        void setRotationY​(float rotationY1,
                          float rotationY2,
                          float rotationYRate,
                          int rotationYRateStart)
        Enables rotation about the Y axis. If the particle is set to always face the player, this axis is a constant vertical line on the player's camera.
        rotationY1 - The starting Y rotation of the particle.
        rotationY2 - The ending Y rotation of the particle.
        rotationYRate - The rate of interpolation between the two Y rotation values.
        rotationYRateStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between rotationY1 and rotationY2.
      • getRotationY1

        float getRotationY1()
      • getRotationY2

        float getRotationY2()
      • getRotationYRate

        float getRotationYRate()
      • getRotationYRateStart

        int getRotationYRateStart()
      • setRotationZ

        void setRotationZ​(float rotationZ1,
                          float rotationZ2,
                          float rotationZRate,
                          int rotationZRateStart)
        Enables rotation about the Y axis. If the particle is set to always face the player, this axis is a constant line going into the player's camera. You'll be using this one most often if the particle is set to face the player.
        rotationZ1 - The starting Z rotation of the particle.
        rotationZ2 - The ending Z rotation of the particle.
        rotationZRate - The rate of interpolation between the two Z rotation values.
        rotationZRateStart - The amount of ticks the particle is around for before its colors begin interpolating between rotationZ1 and rotationZ2.
      • getRotationZ1

        float getRotationZ1()
      • getRotationZ2

        float getRotationZ2()
      • getRotationZRate

        float getRotationZRate()
      • getRotationZRateStart

        int getRotationZRateStart()