Interface IDBCEvent.FormChangeEvent

    • Method Detail

      • getFormBeforeID

        int getFormBeforeID()
        The ID of the Form. If form before is vanilla DBC, returns the ID of that. i.e Base returns 0, SSGod returns 9. Else, returns ID of CNPC Custom Form
      • getFormAfterID

        int getFormAfterID()
        The ID of the Form. If form after is vanilla DBC, returns the ID of that. i.e SSGod returns 9. Else, returns ID of CNPC Custom Form
      • isFormBeforeCustom

        boolean isFormBeforeCustom()
        If form before transformation is a vanilla DBC (SSJ/SSGod/SSBEvo) and not a CNPC Custom Form, this returns false
      • isFormAfterCustom

        boolean isFormAfterCustom()
        If form after transformation is a vanilla DBC (SSJ/SSGod/SSBEvo) and not a CNPC Custom Form, this returns false