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unlock(IPlayer<EntityPlayerMP>, ITransportLocation) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTransporter
unreadDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
unreadDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerDialogData
unreadDialog(IDialog) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
up() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos
Offset this BlockPos 1 block up
up() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
Shifts the IPos up by 1 block and returns the new object.
up(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos
Offset this BlockPos n blocks up
up(double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
update() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IMark
Calling this will send the changes you've made to the clients
update(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
update(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
updateAI() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
updateClient() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
updateClient() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimationData
updateComponent(ICustomGuiComponent) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
updateComponent(ICustomOverlayComponent) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
updateContainingBlockInfo() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
Updates the block's tile entity to the values set in this object.
updateEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
updatePartyData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Sends all PARTY INFORMATION to all Party Participants [Higher Data]
updatePlayerInventory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
updateQuestObjectiveData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Sends information for Quest Objectives to all Party Participants [Lower Data]
useRenderTicks() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
useRenderTicks() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
useRenderTicks(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
useRenderTicks(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
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