All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IAnimationHandler
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IDialogHandler
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IFactionHandler
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IOverlayHandler
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IQuestHandler
- get(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.ITagHandler
- get(int, String, IWorld) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.ICloneHandler
- get(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IAnimationHandler
- getAbsorptionAmount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getAccuracy() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAccuracy() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IProjectile
- getActiveQuests() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getActiveQuests() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
- getAdditionalText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestObjective
- getAge() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAge() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getAge() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getAggroRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAIMoveSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getAliases() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ICommand
- getAlignment() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getAlignment() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getAllBiomeNames() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getAllInBox(BlockPos, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos
Create an Iterable that returns all positions in the box specified by the given corners
- getAllInBox(IPos, IPos) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getAllInBox(IPos, IPos, boolean) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
Forms a box with corners as the input IPos parameters, and returns all points inside the box as a list of IPos vectors.
- getAllMail() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
- getAllNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getAllowedValues() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty
- getAllServerPlayers() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getAllServerPlayers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getAlpha() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getAlpha() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getAlpha() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getAlpha() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getAlpha1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAlpha2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAlphaRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAlphaRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAlwaysRenderNameTag() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- getAmount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.PickupXPEvent
- getAmount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAnimation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimationData
- getAnimationData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAnimationData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getAnimations() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getAnimations() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IAnimationHandler
- getAnimEnd() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAnimLoop() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAnimRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getAnimStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getArgs() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent
- getArmor(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getArmor(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
Note not all Living Entities support this
- getArmorMaterial() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemArmor
- getArmorSlot() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemArmor
- getArmorType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the armor type for the scripted item.
- getArrowCountInEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getArrowResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAttackFactions() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAttackLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getAttackTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getAttackTargetTime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getAttemptPosition() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.CNPCNaturalSpawnEvent
- getAttribute(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getAuraColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getAuthor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemBook
- getAvailability() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IMark
- getAvailability() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getAvailability() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
- getBackgroundTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getBankData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getBiomeName(int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBiomeName(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBiomes() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getBlend() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getBlock() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState
- getBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent
- getBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BonemealEvent
- getBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BreakEvent
- getBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IProjectileEvent.ImpactEvent
- getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlock(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlockBoundsMaxX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockBoundsMaxY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockBoundsMinX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockBoundsMinY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockBoundsMinZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getBlockLightValue(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlockLightValue(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlockMetadata() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getBlockMetadata(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlockMetadata(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getBlockName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemBlock
- getBlockType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getBlockX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getBlockY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getBlockZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getBody() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getBonusAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getBookAuthor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getBookText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getBookTitle() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getBoolean(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getBow() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent
- getBurstCount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getButton() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- getByte(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getByteArray(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getCanDrown() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getCapturedDrops() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getCarpentryList() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IRecipeHandler
- getCategory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getCategory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getCategory(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.ITransportHandler
- getChange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.LevelUpEvent
- getChangedPos() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.NeighborChangedEvent
- getCharge() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent
- getChunkHeightMapMinimum(int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getChunkHeightMapMinimum(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getChunkLoadingNPCs() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getClearTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DamagedEvent
- getCloakTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getClones() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getClosestPlayer(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getClosestPlayer(IPos, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getClosestPlayerToEntity(IEntity, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getClosestVulnerablePlayer(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getClosestVulnerablePlayer(IPos, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getClosestVulnerablePlayerToEntity(IEntity, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getCollisionType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IMark
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITag
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the color of the scripted item.
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getCombatPolicy() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getCombatPolicyName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getCombatRegen() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getCommand() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getCommandName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ICommand
- getCommandUsage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ICommand
- getCompanion() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getCompanionID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getCompleteFor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getCompleteText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getComponent(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getComponent(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
- getComponents() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getComponents() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
- getCompound(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.ContainerClosed
- getContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.ContainerOpen
- getContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getCooldownType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
- getCriteria() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardObjective
- getCurrency(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- getCurrent() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.FillBucketEvent
- getCurrentPlayerCount() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getCurrentQuestID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Get the Quest ID for Party | -1 if no quest
- getCurrentQuestName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Get the Quest Name for Party | BLANK if no quest
- getCustomer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IVillager
- getCustomGui() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getCustomNameTag() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DamagedEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.MeleeAttackEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackedEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEntityEvent
- getDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DamagedEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DiedEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackedEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEntityEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEvent
- getDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DiedEvent
- getDarkenScreen() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getDaysLeft() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getDaytime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAvailability
- getDBCClass() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getDBCPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getDefaultAlignment() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
- getDefaultPoints() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getDefaultSelection() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IScroll
- getDefendFaction() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getDescription() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AchievementEvent
- getDialog() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IDialogEvent
- getDialog() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogClosedEvent
- getDialog() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogEvent
- getDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAvailability
- getDialogData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getDialogFarewell() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getDialogHire() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getDialogId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogClosedEvent
- getDialogId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogEvent
- getDialogId(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getDialogs() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getDigSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the dig speed for the scripted item.
- getDimension() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getDimension() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getDimensionID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getDirectory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getDisableEsc() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardObjective
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getDistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.FallEvent
- getDistanceFallen() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.EntityFallenUponEvent
- getDistanceFrom(double, double, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getDistanceFrom(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getDouble(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getDragType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent.SlotClickEvent
- getDroppedItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DiedEvent
- getDurabilityColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the color of the durability bar for the scripted item.
- getDurabilityShow() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Checks if the durability bar should be shown for the scripted item.
- getDurabilityValue() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the current durability value for the scripted item.
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.FinishUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.StartUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.StopUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.UsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.FinishUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.StartUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.StopUsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UsingItem
- getDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
- getEnabled() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
- getEnchantability() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the enchantability for the scripted item.
- getEnemyFactions() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getEngineObjects() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getEntitiesNear(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getEntitiesNear(IPos, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.CollidedEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.EntityFallenUponEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IForgeEvent.EntityEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.SpawnEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.TossedEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.UpdateEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.CollideEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.KilledEntityEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KilledEntityEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IProjectileEvent.ImpactEvent
- getEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getEntity(int, int, int, int, IWorld) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
- getEntity(int, IPos, IWorld) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
- getEntity(IWorld, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getEntityByID(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getEntityId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getEV(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getEvent() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IForgeEvent
- getExecuteCommandFor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getExp() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BreakEvent
- getExpDropped() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DiedEvent
- getExpLevel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getExplosionResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getExpReward() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IQuestEvent.QuestTurnedInEvent
- getExtraCode() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getFacePlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getFaction() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFaction() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IFactionEvent
- getFactionData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getFactionPoints(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getFactions() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getFile(String) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getFilled() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.FillBucketEvent
- getFinishedQuests() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getFinishedQuests() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
- getFireRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFireSound() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFloat(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getFlyGravity(double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFlyHeightLimit(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFlySpeed(double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getFollowingName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobFollower
- getFollowingNpc() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobFollower
- getFollowRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getForm() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getForm2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getFormLevel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getFrames() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
- getFriendlyFire() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getFriendlyPoints() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getFromDim() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.ChangedDimension
- getFullBlockLightValue(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getFullBlockLightValue(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getFusionString() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getGivingMethod() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
- getGlobalDir() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getGlobalList() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IRecipeHandler
- getGlow() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getGlows() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getGravity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getGravity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getGui() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent
- getGuiDisabled() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getHairCode() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getHapiness() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getHardness() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getHasGravity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IProjectile
- getHealth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getHealthRegen() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILabel
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IScroll
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITextField
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IScreenSize
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLabel
- getHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getHeightPercent(double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IScreenSize
- getHeightValue(int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getHeightValue(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getHeldItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
Note not all Living Entities support this
- getHEXColor1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getHEXColor2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getHEXColorRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getHEXColorStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getHideKilledBody() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHideNPC() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getHitX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.InteractEvent
- getHitY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.InteractEvent
- getHitZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.InteractEvent
- getHoe() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UseHoeEvent
- getHome() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHomeX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHomeY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHomeZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getHookName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent
- getHoverText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getHP() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getHunger() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getIBlock(IWorld, int, int, int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIBlock(IWorld, IPos) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getICommand(String, int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIContainer(Container) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIContainer(IInventory) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.TimerEvent
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.TimerEvent
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.TimerEvent
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogCategory
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestCategory
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITag
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportCategory
- getId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
- getID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlay
- getID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getIDamageSource(DamageSource) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIDamageSource(IEntity<?>) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIEntity(Entity) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIgnoreCobweb() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getIgnoreDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestItem
- getIgnoreDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getIgnoreNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestItem
- getIgnoreNBT() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getIItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getImage(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getImages() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getImageType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getImmediateSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- getINbt(NBTTagCompound) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getInfiniteDays() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getInstrumentId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
- getInteger(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getIntegerArray(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getInteractLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getInventory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getInventory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getIPos(double, double, double) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIPos(float, float, float) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIPos(int, int, int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIPos(long) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIPos(BlockPos) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIsHidden() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getIsHidden() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITag
- getIsLadder() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getIsLocked() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
- getIsPassible() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getIsRepeatable() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getIsShiny() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getIsTrading() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IVillager
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IProjectile
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.FinishUsingItem
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.PickUpEvent
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.StartUsingItem
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.StopUsingItem
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.TossEvent
- getItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UsingItem
- getItem(byte, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getItemDamage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getItemGiverData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getItemName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getItemNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getItemRewards() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IQuestEvent.QuestTurnedInEvent
- getItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DropEvent
- getItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- getItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
- getItemStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.SwingEvent
- getItemUseAction() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the item use action for the scripted item.
- getITileEntity(TileEntity) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getITileEntity(IWorld, int, int, int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getITileEntity(IWorld, IPos) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIV(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getIWorld(int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIWorld(World) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getIWorldLoad(int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
This will forcefully load the dimension if it is not loaded Forge sometimes automatically, unloads the End when all players are no longer present.
- getIWorlds() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getJob() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getJRMCSE() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getKey() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- getKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILines
- getKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getKeysDown() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- getKeysDown() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- getKi() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getKillCount(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getKilledLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getKillLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getKnockback() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getKnockbackResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getKnockbackResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLabel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getLastAttacker() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLastAttackerTime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLastCompletedTime(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
- getLeashed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- getLeashedTo() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- getLeaveItems() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestItem
- getLeftItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getLefttItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
Was an old type
- getLevel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getLifeSpawn() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getLight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getLine(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILines
- getLine(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILines
- getLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
- getList() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IScroll
- getList(String, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
Returns a tag list of objects with this key in the compound tag.
- getListType(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
Returns the type of the tag list with this key, as an integer.
- getLoadedEntities() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getLoadedEntities() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getLocation(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportCategory
- getLocation1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestLocation
- getLocation2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestLocation
- getLocation3() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestLocation
- getLocations() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getLogText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getLong(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getLookingAtBlock(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookingAtBlock(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookingAtEntities(int, double, double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookingAtEntities(int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookingAtEntities(IEntity[], int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookingAtPos(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
Returns an IPos object corresponding to the final obstructed point following along the entity's look vector.
- getLookingAtPos(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLookVector() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getLootChance(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getLootItem(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getLootMode() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getLore() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getMailData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getMailFrom(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
- getMarket() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- getMaxAge() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getMaxHealth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getMaxHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getMaxItemUseDuration() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the maximum item use duration for the scripted item.
- getMaxLootXP() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMaxPartySize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getMaxPlayers() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getMaxProgress() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestObjective
- getMaxProjectileDelay() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMaxRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
- getMaxStackSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getMCBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getMCContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- getMCDamageSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- getMCEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMCEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- getMCEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
Expert use only
- getMCInventory() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- getMCItemStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
No support is given for this method.
- getMCNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getMCNBT() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getMCPos() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getMCSlot() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IItemSlot
- getMCTileEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getMCTileEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getMCWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getMeleeRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMeleeResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMeleeSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMeleeStrength() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMeleeStrength() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getMessage() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.ChatEvent
- getMinHeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getMinLootXP() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMinPartySize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getMinPlayerLevel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAvailability
- getMinPointsToSoulStone() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
requires SoulStoneFriendlyNPCs in config to be true -1 by default if -1, the minimum points are the faction's friendly points
- getMinProjectileDelay() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMinRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
- getMode() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getModel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getModelData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getModelType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getMOTD() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getMotion() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMotionX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMotionX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getMotionY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMotionY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getMotionZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMotionZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getMount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getMouseWheel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- getMove(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getMovingType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getName() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SoundEvent
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogCategory
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogOption
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestCategory
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITag
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTransporter
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardObjective
- getName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getName(T) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty
Get the name for the given value.
- getNaturalSpawn() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.CNPCNaturalSpawnEvent
- getNaturalSpawns() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getNature() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getNbt() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getNBT() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
Writes the tile entity to NBT and returns the compound tag.
- getNbtOptional() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getNearbySpawned() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
- getNearestAir(IPos, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getNeutralPoints() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- getNewTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.TargetLostEvent
- getNextQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getNickname() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getNoClip() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getNpc() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent
- getNpc() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJob
- getNpc() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRole
- getNpcName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getNpcOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getNpcOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getNpcScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getObjective(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getObjectiveRequirement() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getObjectives() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getObjectives(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getOffsetZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getOffsetZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getOpenContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getOption(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOptionId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogClosedEvent
- getOptionId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogEvent
- getOptionOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOptionOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOptions() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOptionSpaceX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOptionSpaceY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getOtherFormMastery(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getOverlays() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getOverlays() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getOverlayTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getOwner() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getOwner() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getPageCount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getPageText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getPart(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelRotate
- getPart(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelScale
- getPartId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- getParts() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
- getParty() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent
- getPartyLeaderName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
- getPartyOptions() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getPartyRequirements() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getPartySlot(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPixelmonPlayerData
- getPartyUUIDString() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
- getPermissionLevel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ICommand
- getPickupDelay() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getPitch() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getPitch() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SoundEvent
- getPitch() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getPivots() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- getPixelmonData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
Requires pixelmon to be installed
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.ClickedEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.HarvestedEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.InteractEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.FinishUsingItem
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.InteractEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.PickedUpEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.RightClickEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.StartUsingItem
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.StopUsingItem
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.TossedEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.UsingItem
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogClosedEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DialogEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.InteractEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyInviteEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyKickEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyLeaveEvent
- getPlayer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent
- getPlayer(String) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getPlayer(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getPlayerByUUID(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getPlayerInvX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getPlayerInvY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getPlayerName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyInviteEvent
- getPlayerName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyKickEvent
- getPlayerName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent.PartyLeaveEvent
- getPlayerNames() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getPlayerNames() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getPlayerNamesList() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
- getPlayers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getPlayerScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getPlayerScore(IPlayer, String, String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getPoints() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IFactionEvent.FactionPoints
- getPoints(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerFactionData
- getPokeball() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getPos() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getPosition() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getPosition() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getPosX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getPosX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getPosY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getPosY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getPotionEffect(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getPower() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.RedstoneEvent
- getPowerPoints() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getPowerType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getPrevPower() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.RedstoneEvent
- getProfession() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IVillager
- getProgress() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestObjective
If this function is used on a player within a party and the quest objective type is set to ALL.
- getProjectile() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IProjectileEvent
- getProjectileItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getProjectilesKeepTerrain() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getProperties() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState
- getPropertyNames() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState
- getPurchaseNum(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- getPurchaseNum(int, IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- getQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPartyEvent
- getQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IQuestEvent
- getQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Get the Quest for the Party, can be null
- getQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getQuest(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAvailability
- getQuestData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getQuestInterface() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getQuests() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getRace() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getRacialFormMastery(byte) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getRandomName(int, int) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
Generates a new name as a String using the Markov name generator.
- getRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobHealer
- getRangedBurst() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRangedRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRangedSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRangedStrength() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRate(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- getReadMail() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
- getRecipe() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getRecipes() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getRedstonePower() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getRefuseSoulStone() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRelease() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getRepeatDelay() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getRepeatType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getResistance() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getRespawnCycle() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRespawnTime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getResult() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getReturnToHome() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRewardControl() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- getRewards() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getRider() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getRightItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRole() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRotateX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelRotatePart
- getRotateY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelRotatePart
- getRotateZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelRotatePart
- getRotation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
- getRotation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getRotation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
- getRotation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getRotation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.ICustomOverlayComponent
- getRotations() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- getRotationType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getRotationX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getRotationX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getRotationX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the X-axis rotation for the scripted item.
- getRotationX1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationX2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationXRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationXRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the X-axis rotation rate for the scripted item.
- getRotationXRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getRotationY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getRotationY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Y-axis rotation for the scripted item.
- getRotationY1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationY2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationYRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationYRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Y-axis rotation rate for the scripted item.
- getRotationYRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getRotationZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getRotationZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Z-axis rotation for the scripted item.
- getRotationZ1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationZ2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationZRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getRotationZRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Z-axis rotation rate for the scripted item.
- getRotationZRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getSaturation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILabel
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLabel
- getScale() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getScaleX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getScaleX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelScalePart
- getScaleX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the X-axis scale for the scripted item.
- getScaleX1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleX2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleXRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleXRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getScaleY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelScalePart
- getScaleY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Y-axis scale for the scripted item.
- getScaleY1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleY2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleYRate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleYRateStart() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getScaleZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getScaleZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelScalePart
- getScaleZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Z-axis scale for the scripted item.
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getScreenSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getScrollIndex() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent.ScrollEvent
- getSeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getSeeInvisibleTeamPlayers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getSelectedColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getSelection() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent.ScrollEvent
- getSellOption(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- getSender() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getSenderName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent
- getSenderPosition() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent
- getSenderWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent
- getServerOwner() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getServerTime() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getShadow() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILabel
- getShadow() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLabel
- getShelterFrom() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getShort(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getShotCount() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getShowBossBar() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getShowName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getShowPlayerInv() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getShowWheel() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getSide() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IBlockEvent.InteractEvent
- getSignText(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getSignText(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- getSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getSkills() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getSkinType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getSkinUrl() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getSlot() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogOption
- getSlot(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- getSlots() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getSlots() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getSong() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
- getSoulStonePlayerName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getSound() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getSound() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILine
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DamagedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DiedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DiedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IProjectileEvent
- getSpawns() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.INaturalSpawnsHandler
- getSpawns(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.INaturalSpawnsHandler
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- getSpeed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobHealer
- getSpeedX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getSpeedY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent.SlotClickEvent
- getStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.ICustomGuiEvent.SlotEvent
- getStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IItemSlot
- getStackSize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getStamina() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getStat(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
- getStat(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getStoredDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getStoredDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getStoredDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getStreaming() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
- getString(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getSubject() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getSurroundingEntities(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getSurroundingEntities(int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getSwingingEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.AttackEvent
- getSwingWarmup() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTab(int, IWorld) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.ICloneHandler
- getTacticalRadius() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTacticalVariant() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTacticalVariantName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTag(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.AttackEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.InteractEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.RightClickEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.MeleeAttackEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.TargetEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.TargetLostEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.AttackEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DamagedEntityEvent
- getTarget() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.InteractEvent
- getTargetType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestKill
- getTeam(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getTeamByName(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getTeams() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
- getTeamsize() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardTeam
- getTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getTempDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTempDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getTempDataKeys() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.ITextPlane
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILabel
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITextField
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILine
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestObjective
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemBook
- getText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLabel
- getTextOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTextOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTextPitch() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTextPlane() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextPlane2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextPlane3() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextPlane4() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextPlane5() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextPlane6() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTextSound() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the texture path for the scripted item.
- getTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getTextureScaleX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getTextureScaleY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ISkinOverlay
- getTextureX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getTextureX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getTextureX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getTextureX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getTextureY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getTextureY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getTextureY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getTextureY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getTextWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getThickness() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILine
- getThickness() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLine
- getThrower() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityItem
- getThrower() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IProjectile
- getTileEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getTileEntityNBT() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getTime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getTime(IJobItemGiver) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerItemGiverData
- getTimePast() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getTimers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
- getTimers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTimers() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getTimeSent() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
- getTimeUntilRepeat(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getTitle() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getTitle() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportCategory
- getTitle() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemBook
- getTitleColor() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTitleOffsetX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTitleOffsetY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getTitlePos() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
- getToDim() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.ChangedDimension
- getTopBlock(int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getTopBlock(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getTotalArmorValue() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getTotalTime() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- getTP() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- getTrackedQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
- getTranslateX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the X-axis translation for the scripted item.
- getTranslateY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Y-axis translation for the scripted item.
- getTranslateZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Gets the Z-axis translation for the scripted item.
- getTransport() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTransporter
- getTransport(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerTransportData
- getTransportData() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
- getTransportId() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTransporter
- getTransports() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerTransportData
- getTrueSource() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IMark
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.AttackEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.InteractEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IItemEvent.RightClickEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DamagedEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.INpcEvent.DiedEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.DiedEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.InteractEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IProjectileEvent.ImpactEvent
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogOption
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuest
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJob
- getType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRole
- getType(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- getTypeName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getUniqueID() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getUnreadMail() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
- getUuid() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITag
- getValue(IProperty<T>) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState
- getValueClass() - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty
- getVisibleType() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getVolume() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SoundEvent
- getVolume() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getWeight() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.INaturalSpawn
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGui
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILabel
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IScroll
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITextField
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ITexturedRect
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IScreenSize
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLabel
- getWidth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayTexturedRect
- getWidthPercent(double) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IScreenSize
- getWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IForgeEvent.WorldEvent
- getWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getWorld() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- getWorldDir() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- getWorldLines() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- getX() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos
Gets the X coordinate.
- getX() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the X coordinate
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BonemealEvent
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SleepEvent
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UseHoeEvent
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getX() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getX1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILine
- getX1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLine
- getX2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILine
- getX2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLine
- getXD() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the X coordinate as a double
- getXD() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getY() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos
Gets the Y coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the Y coordinate
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BonemealEvent
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SleepEvent
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UseHoeEvent
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialogImage
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getY() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getY1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILine
- getY1() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLine
- getY2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ILine
- getY2() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.overlay.IOverlayLine
- getYD() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the Y coordinate as a double
- getYD() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getYOffset() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getZ() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos
Gets the Z coordinate.
- getZ() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the Z coordinate
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.BonemealEvent
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.SleepEvent
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.UseHoeEvent
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ISound
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ITransportLocation
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IParticle
- getZ() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- getZD() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
Get the Z coordinate as a double
- getZD() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IPos
- giveItem(String, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- giveItem(IPlayer, IItemStack) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- giveItem(IItemStack, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- giveItems(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobItemGiver
All Classes All Packages