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has(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IOverlayHandler
has(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITimers
has(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IAnimationHandler
has(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
hasAchievement(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasActiveQuest(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasActiveQuest(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
hasActiveQuest(IQuest) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasAlias(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ICommand
hasAttribute(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
hasBukkitPermission(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasCollided() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
hasCollidedHorizontally() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
hasCollidedVertically() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
hasCompanion() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerData
hasCustomName() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
hasCustomNameTag() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
hasEnchant(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
hasFinishedQuest(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasFinishedQuest(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerQuestData
hasFinishedQuest(IQuest) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasGlobalObject(String) - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
hasHoverText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.ICustomGuiComponent
hasImage(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IDialog
hasInteractedBefore(IJobItemGiver) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerItemGiverData
hasLivingAnimation() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
hasLore() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
hasMail() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
hasMail(IPlayerMail) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerMailData
hasNickname() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPixelmon
hasObjective(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
hasOffRange() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
hasOffRange(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobBard
hasOwner() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
hasPixelmon() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
hasPlayer(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Check if Player is in Party with Player Name
hasPlayer(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IParty
Check if Player is in Party with IPlayer
hasPlayerObjective(String, String, String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
hasPlayerObjective(IPlayer, String, String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
hasQuest() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPlayerMail
hasReadDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasReadDialog(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerDialogData
hasReadDialog(IDialog) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
hasStack() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IItemSlot
hasStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
hasStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
hasStoredData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
hasTag(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
hasTeam(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboard
hasTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.block.IBlockScripted
hasTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
hasTempData(String) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
hasTexture() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
hasTileEntity() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
hasTransport() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTransporter
hasTransport(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.IPlayerTransportData
headWear() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
headWear(byte) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
heal(IEntityLivingBase, float) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobHealer
hidden(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
hideKilledBody(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
hidePart(int, byte) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.data.IModelData
Hide Body Parts part: [0: Head, 1: Body, 2: Arms, 3: Legs] hide: [0: None, 1: Both, 2: Right, 3: Left], only values 0 and 1 used for head & body.
hideText() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILine
hideText(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILine
hurt(float) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
hurt(float, IEntity) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
hurt(float, IDamageSource) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
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