All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- IAnimal<T extends net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityAnimal> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IAnimation - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IAnimationData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IAnimationHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IAvailability - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IBlock - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IBlockEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.BreakEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.ClickedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.CollidedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.EntityFallenUponEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.ExplodedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.HarvestedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.InitEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.InteractEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.NeighborChangedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.RainFillEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.RedstoneEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.TimerEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockEvent.UpdateEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IBlockScripted - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.block
- IBlockState - Interface in net.minecraft.block.state
This code is owned by Minecraft
- IButton - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ICloneHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- ICommand - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IContainer - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- ICustomGui - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ICustomGuiComponent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ICustomGuiEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.ButtonEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.CloseEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.ScrollEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.SlotClickEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.SlotEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomGuiEvent.UnfocusedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomNpc<T extends net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- ICustomNPCsEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomNPCsEvent.CNPCNaturalSpawnEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomNPCsEvent.ScriptedCommandEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- ICustomOverlay - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.overlay
- ICustomOverlayComponent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.overlay
- IDamageSource - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IDBCPlayer - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IDialog - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IDialogCategory - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IDialogEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IDialogEvent.DialogClosed - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IDialogEvent.DialogOpen - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IDialogEvent.DialogOption - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IDialogHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IDialogImage - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IDialogOption - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IEntity<T extends net.minecraft.entity.Entity> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IEntityItem<T extends net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IEntityLiving<T extends net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IEntityLivingBase<T extends net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IFaction - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IFactionEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IFactionEvent.FactionPoints - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IFactionHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IForgeEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IForgeEvent.EntityEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IForgeEvent.InitEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IForgeEvent.WorldEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IFrame - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IFramePart - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IItemArmor - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.item
- IItemBlock - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.item
- IItemBook - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.item
- IItemCustom - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.item
- IItemEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.AttackEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.FinishUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.InitEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.InteractEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.PickedUpEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.RightClickEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.SpawnEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.StartUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.StopUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.TossedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.UpdateEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemEvent.UsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IItemSlot - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- IItemStack - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.item
- IJob - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobBard - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobConversation - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobFollower - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobGuard - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobHealer - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobItemGiver - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- IJobSpawner - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.jobs
- ILabel - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ILine - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ILine - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- ILines - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IMark - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IModelData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IModelRotate - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IModelRotatePart - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IModelScale - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IModelScalePart - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity.data
- IMonster<T extends net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMob> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- INaturalSpawn - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- INaturalSpawnsHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- INbt - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
A scripted data representation of an MC NBTTagCompound object.
- inFire() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- inLava() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- INpcEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.CollideEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.DamagedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.DialogClosedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.DialogEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.DiedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.InitEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.InteractEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.KilledEntityEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.MeleeAttackEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.SwingEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.TargetEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.TargetLostEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.TimerEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- INpcEvent.UpdateEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- Instance() - Static method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- interact(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IAnimal
Called when a player interacts with a mob.
- interactWith(IEntity) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- IntHashMap<V> - Class in net.minecraft.util.math
- IntHashMap() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.IntHashMap
- invalidate() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
Invalidates the tile entity.
- inventoryItemCount(IItemStack, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- inWater() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- IOverlayHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IOverlayLabel - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.overlay
- IOverlayLine - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.overlay
- IOverlayTexturedRect - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.overlay
- IParticle - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
A particle that can be spawned in the world, complete with translation, scale, rotate, and color transformations.
- IParty - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IPartyEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyDisbandEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyInviteEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyKickEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyLeaveEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyQuestCompletedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyQuestSetEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyEvent.PartyQuestTurnedInEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPartyOptions - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IPixelmon<T extends net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IPixelmonPlayerData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IPlayer<T extends net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IPlayerBankData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerDialogData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.AchievementEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.AttackedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.AttackEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.BonemealEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.BreakEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.ChangedDimension - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.ChatEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.ContainerClosed - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.ContainerOpen - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.DamagedEntityEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.DamagedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.DiedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.DropEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.FallEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.FillBucketEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.FinishUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.InitEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.InteractEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.JumpEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.KilledEntityEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.LevelUpEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.LightningEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.LoginEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.LogoutEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.PickUpEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.PickupXPEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.RangedChargeEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.RespawnEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.SleepEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.SoundEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.StartUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.StopUsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.TimerEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.TossEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.UpdateEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.UseHoeEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.UsingItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerEvent.WakeUpEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IPlayerFactionData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerItemGiverData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerMail - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IPlayerMailData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerQuestData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPlayerTransportData - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IPos - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IProjectile - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IProjectileEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IProjectileEvent.ImpactEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IProjectileEvent.UpdateEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IProperty<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Interface in net.minecraft.block.properties
This code is owned by Minecraft
- IQuest - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestCategory - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestDialog - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IQuestEvent.QuestCompletedEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IQuestEvent.QuestStartEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IQuestEvent.QuestTurnedInEvent - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.event
- IQuestHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IQuestInterface - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestItem - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestKill - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestLocation - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IQuestObjective - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IRecipe - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IRecipeHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- IRole - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- IRoleBank - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- IRoleFollower - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- IRoleMailman - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- IRoleTrader - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- IRoleTransporter - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.roles
- isActive() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimationData
- isAggressiveToNpc(ICustomNpc) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- isAir() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- isAirborne() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- isAlive() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- isAllowParty() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- isAltPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- isAltPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- isAttacking() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- isAvailable(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAvailability
- IsAvailable() - Static method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- isBlock() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- isBlockFreezable(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockFreezable(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockFreezableNaturally(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockFreezableNaturally(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockFullCube(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockFullCube(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockHighHumidity(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlockHighHumidity(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBlocking() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IDBCPlayer
- isBreakCancelled(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBreakCancelled(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isBreedingItem(IItemStack) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IAnimal
Checks if the parameter is an item which this animal can be fed to breed it (wheat, carrots or seeds depending on the animal type)
- isBurning() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- isChild() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- isCompleted() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IQuestObjective
- isContainer() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IBlock
- IScoreboard - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard
- IScoreboardObjective - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard
- IScoreboardTeam - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard
- IScreenSize - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- IScroll - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- isCtrlPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- isCtrlPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- isCustomGUI() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- isCustomized() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFrame
- isCustomized() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- isDay() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isEmpty() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.ILines
- isEmpty() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
- isEnabled() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IButton
- isEnchanted() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- isEnemyFaction(IFaction) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFaction
- isEqual(INbt) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.INbt
- isFlyHeightLimited(boolean) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- isFollowing() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobFollower
- isFollowing() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleFollower
- isGlobal() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IRecipe
- isHardcore() - Method in class noppes.npcs.api.AbstractNpcAPI
- isInLove() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IAnimal
- isInvalid() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.ITileEntity
- ISkinOverlay - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
A skin overlay object for both NPCs and players.
- isMetaPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- isMetaPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- isMultiSelect() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.gui.IScroll
- isNavigating() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- isNormalItem() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Checks if the scripted item is a normal item.
- isOnCooldown(IPlayer<EntityPlayerMP>) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.jobs.IJobSpawner
- isOnLadder() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLivingBase
- isOnlyParty() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IPartyOptions
- ISound - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- isPersistent() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntityLiving
- isPlaceCancelled(int, int, int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isPlaceCancelled(IPos) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isPlayerNotUsingContainer(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IContainer
- isProjectile() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- isRaining() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IWorld
- isReadyOnly() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.scoreboard.IScoreboardObjective
- isScriptingDev() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IPlayer
- isShiftPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.KeyPressedEvent
- isShiftPressed() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.event.IPlayerEvent.MouseClickedEvent
- isSlotEnabled(int) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- isSlotEnabled(int, IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.roles.IRoleTrader
- isSmooth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IAnimation
- isSmooth() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.handler.data.IFramePart
- isSneaking() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- isSoulStoneInit() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- isSprinting() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.IEntity
- isTool() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemCustom
Checks if the scripted item is a tool.
- isUnblockable() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.IDamageSource
- isVisibleTo(IPlayer) - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.entity.ICustomNpc
- isWrittenBook() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- ITag - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- ITagHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- itemHash() - Method in interface noppes.npcs.api.item.IItemStack
- ITextField - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ITextPlane - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.block
- ITexturedRect - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.gui
- ITileEntity - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- ITimers - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
- ITransportCategory - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- ITransportHandler - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler
- ITransportLocation - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.handler.data
- IVillager<T extends net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMob> - Interface in noppes.npcs.api.entity
- IWorld - Interface in noppes.npcs.api
All Classes All Packages